May 4, 1990 - January 16, 2009
"Buhler is the best guy to play hockey with."
Affectionately know as "Buhler", Matt Buhler took his own life on Friday, January 16, 2009. Although Matt was one year older than JJ, they knew each other since 2nd grade and became great friends during junior high at Clayton . JJ loved Matt's sense of humor. No matter what, he would always say something to make JJ laugh.
Matt played hockey for East High during the Summer of 2007. East won the Summer League Championship! "Buhler is the best guy to play hockey with," said JJ. JJ didn't say this because of Matt's mad skills on the ice. JJ said this because Matt was just so much fun.
During the Stanley Cup Playoffs in 2006, JJ and Matt had a bet about the New York Rangers. JJ bet the Rangers would advance in the playoffs, Matt bet they wouldn't. Unfortunately Matt won the bet! JJ still owes Matt $10 which we plan to donate to the scholarship fund his family has established in his name at the U of U.
JJ loves you and misses you, Matt. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Keep laughing, keep smiling.